By Alex Jensen
SEOUL (AA) - A South Korean lawmaker described by local media as having a "clean and reformist" image was found dead near the entrance of an apartment building in Seoul on Monday, after being caught up in a scandal involving an infamous power blogger.
Roh Hoe-chan, 61, left behind three suicide notes for relatives and colleagues.
The floor leader of the progressive Justice Party was discovered by a security guard, who heard a bang shortly after 9.30 a.m. (0130 GMT), according to Yonhap News Agency.
The note for his party reportedly included an admission that he accepted 40 million won ($35,000) in 2016 from a famous local blogger known as Druking, who has been at the center of a wider opinion rigging scandal.
"There was neither any request for favor nor did I promise anything in return. I learned later that I should have taken proper sponsorship procedures because the money was voluntarily raised from members of the group, but I didn't," Roh wrote in a translation of his note provided by Yonhap.
"Who can I blame? It was truly a silly choice and a shameful judgment. I have to take responsibility," he added.
Police revealed that Roh's mother and brother reside at the apartment where he was discovered, and there is no suggestion of any suspicious circumstances.
While Roh's case dates back to 2016, he drew attention recently as a special prosecutor has been examining Druking, who is being scrutinized over his activities, including the nature of his support for President Moon Jae-in before the latter was elected in May 2017.
Seoul's presidential office described Roh's death as "heartbreaking" and canceled a planned broadcast that was to be delivered by Moon on Monday.
South Korean lawmaker takes own life amid scandal
Opposition floor leader Roh Hoe-chan has been found dead along with suicide notes for family and colleagues
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