Spanish top diplomat arrives in Ukraine

'We must ensure that this becomes the year of peace,' says Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares

Spanish top diplomat arrives in Ukraine

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) – Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares paid a visit to Ukraine on Tuesday.

"I have just arrived in Ukraine. Three years of an unjust and unjustifiable war," Albares stated on X following his landing in Kyiv.

"We must ensure that this becomes the year of peace. A just peace that guarantees the sovereignty and freedom of the Ukrainian people," he stressed, adding that Spain is standing with Ukraine in this effort.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha welcomed Albares, saying on X that they paid tribute to fallen Ukrainian soldiers at a memorial in the Lychakiv Cemetery, in Lviv.

"I am grateful to Spain for its support and look forward to meaningful talks today," he added.

No further details were given regarding the visit and its agenda.

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