Students rally in support of Palestinians in Paris

New rally organized on Panthéon after evacuation of Sciences Po school in Paris

By Hafsa Alami

PARIS (AA) - A gathering of several hundred pro-Palestinian students took place in front of the Pantheon on Friday, in the 5th arrondissement of Paris.

Activists denounced the repression of mobilizations at French universities and partnerships established with Israeli institutions.

Palestinian flags mingled with those of left-wing student unions, such as the Student Union, the National Union of Students of France (UNEF), the New Anti-capitalist party, NPA, and the Young Communists.

“The massacre of the Palestinians can only continue due to the support of imperialists. The United States has just sent 13 billion dollars to Israel, and France has sent weapons,” Anouk, a student and member of the Revolutionary Communist International, told Anadolu.

Demonstrators chanted: “Israel assassin, Macron complicit”, ‘Stop the war, stop the colonization” and “Netanyahu go away, Palestine is not yours.”

Some lawmakers from the La France Insoumise party were present to show support for the students.

“These students are organized, and they carry out their own actions with complete independence,” deputy Thomas Portes told Anadolu. “We are here to thank them for what they are doing because they are the honor of this country, and also to support them because whenever they need us, we will be at their side to carry together the voice of the Palestinian people and the voice of peace and international law.”

While reinforcements were stationed in the adjacent streets, police present at the site decided to keep a distance from demonstrators.

On the sidelines of the rally, members of the right-wing student union, ONI, who are pro-Israel activists, tried to draw attention by raising banners that read: ‘Hamas supporters = terrorists” and “Pro-Hamas outside,” but police intervened to avoid possible clashes, while pro-Palestinians shouted: “We are not fascists.”

“Accusing pro-Palestinian demonstrators of antisemitism is a simplification of what is really happening and is a way of suppressing the Palestinian freedom struggle,” Marie, a Jewish student at Sciences-Po told Anadolu.

“As Jews, we have our place in the movement to support Palestine, and the conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism is very damaging for Jews who are not linked to Israel and do not support Israel’s genocidal policy,” she said.

The rally comes as several establishments demonstrated in support of Palestine

Earlier in the day, police evacuated students from Sciences-Po Lyon and Sciences-Po Paris. Demonstrations were also noted Thursday at the universities of La Sorbonne, Paris 8 and the Lille Journalism school.

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