Teenage schoolgirl stabbed to death in Japan

Boy also injured after being stabbed by unidentified attacker in southwestern Japan

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) - A 15-year-old female junior high school student was dead and a boy injured after they were stabbed by an unidentified attacker in southwest Japan, local media reported on Sunday.

The two, attending the same school, were stabbed on Saturday at a fast-food restaurant in Kitakyushu in Fukuoka Prefecture, the Tokyo-based Kyodo News reported, citing local police.

The assailant, said to be a man around 40 years old, was wearing a gray top, black pants and what appeared to be yellow footwear. It remains unclear whether he had any connection to the slain girl.

He is on the run after the incident.

The injured boy, who is in the same grade as the girl, said they were "stabbed by a complete stranger."

Security camera footage, according to police, showed the man stabbed the two students as they were waiting in line at the cash register shortly after he entered the restaurant on Saturday night.

Police said they launched an investigation.

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