Trump sacks 4 presidential appointees from Biden era

New US president says administration identifying 'over a thousand' others 'who are not aligned with our vision to Make America Great Again'

Trump sacks 4 presidential appointees from Biden era

By Asiye Latife Yilmaz

ISTANBUL (AA) - Hours after retaking office, US President Donald Trump announced the dismissal of four senior government officials who were appointed by his predecessor, former President Joe Biden.

"Our first day in the White House is not over yet! My Presidential Personnel Office is actively in the process of identifying and removing over a thousand Presidential Appointees from the previous Administration, who are not aligned with our vision to Make America Great Again," Trump said on the social media platform Truth Social late Monday.

He announced the removals, saying "many more" are "coming soon."

"Jose Andres from the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition, Mark Milley from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, Brian Hook from the Wilson Center for Scholars, and Keisha Lance Bottoms from the President’s Export Council—YOU’RE FIRED!" he said.

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