Turkey ready to support Afghanistan’s recovery: President

Erdogan says 40M people in war-torn country cannot carry this burden any longer

Turkey ready to support Afghanistan’s recovery: President

By Selma Kasap

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey is ready to help Afghanistan recover if it looks out for its unity and solidarity, the president said.

“What concerns us as Turkey is that: Afghanistan should recover swiftly… We are ready to provide all kinds of support for the unity and solidarity of Afghanistan as long as we get the same approach from it,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters traveling with him on Saturday following his mini-Balkans tour.

He said 40 million people in the war-torn country cannot carry this burden any longer.

The Taliban seized control of most of Afghanistan in recent lightning advances that captured Kabul on Aug. 15, forcing President Ashraf Ghani and other top officials to leave the country.

Compounding the already-escalating international crisis, two suicide bombers detonated bombs outside the Kabul airport on Thursday.

The terrorist organization Daesh/ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

*Writing by Dilan Pamuk in Ankara

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