Turkish Cuisine Week showcases local dishes in Türkiye, abroad

In its 3rd year, annual events highlight Türkiye's rich gastronomic heritage

Turkish Cuisine Week showcases local dishes in Türkiye, abroad

By Serdar Dincel

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish Cuisine Week is being held at home and abroad to mark the country's rich gastronomy.

Events will be held from May 21-27 at embassies and culture centers worldwide, along with celebrations in a number of Turkish cities.

As part of the week, Aegean delicacies are being showcased at Türkiye's Embassy in London.

Dishes of Türkiye's Aegean region were introduced at events in French capital Paris and North Macedonian capital Skopje.

Türkiye’s Embassy in Zambia's capital Lusaka also inaugurated the week.

The Turkish Embassy in Cairo held a Turkish breakfast event to mark the week.

Elsewhere, Turkish provinces including Kayseri, Zonguldak, Kutahya, Edirne, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Bursa and Trabzon have hosted events to celebrate the week.

The week is being organized under the auspices of the Turkish Presidency and Türkiye's first lady Emine Erdogan, and supported by the country's Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Turkish cuisine is one of the world's top cuisines, and cuisine week is marked globally every year in May with events and presentations at home and abroad.

2024 marks the 3rd year of the Turkish Cuisine Week.

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