Türkiye, China ink MoU on energy transition

With agreement, Türkiye aims to implement concrete projects as soon as possible, Türkiye's energy minister says

By Duygu Alhan

Türkiye signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with China to cooperate on the energy transition, Alparslan Bayraktar, the energy and natural resources minister, said via social media account X on Tuesday.

In a statement, Bayraktar said that during his visit to Beijing, he met with Zhang Jianhua, the head of China's National Energy Administration, and they discussed potential areas of collaboration, particularly in nuclear and renewable energy.

"With the MoU on cooperation in energy transformation, we aim to implement concrete projects as soon as possible," Bayraktar said.

In a meeting with the natural resources minister of the People's Republic of China, Wang Guanghua, Bayraktar stated that they hope to enhance cooperation for the development of natural resources and mining, especially critical minerals and rare earth elements, both in their respective countries and in third countries.

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