Türkiye, Spain to work together for Israel-Palestine peace, Erdogan says in Madrid

'Permanent peace, uninterrupted flow of aid are our priorities,' Erdogan says in news conference with Spanish Premier Sanchez

By Seda Sevencan and Emre Basaran

ISTANBUL (AA) — Türkiye and Spain will continue working together to help bring peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday.

"Permanent peace, uninterrupted flow of aid are our priorities," Erdogan said in a news conference in Madrid alongside Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

"Prime Minister Sanchez has greatly contributed to stirring the world's conscience over atrocities in Gaza," he said, thanking the premier for his "wise stance on Gaza and the Spanish people for their support."

For his part, Sanchez said Türkiye and Spain share an "urgent and imperative" desire to for a cease-fire and humanitarian aid in the Palestinian enclave as well as for the release of Israeli hostages held there.

Erdogan also praised Spain's recent decision to recognize Palestine as a state, saying it was of the "utmost importance and should set an example for other countries."

"UN Security Council members should stand behind a cease-fire decision and put the necessary pressure on Israel," he said.

Erdogan also thanked Madrid for its support for Türkiye's EU membership process.

"Spain is one of our friends that best understand Türkiye's contributions to the EU and have supported our membership process since the beginning," he said.

Sanchez, meanwhile, underlined that Spain and Türkiye share a "clear and determined" commitment to peace in Ukraine, Palestine, strengthening rules-based international order.

Erdogan also touched on the Russia-Ukraine war, saying:

"I reiterated to Spanish Premier Sanchez that a just, comprehensive, and permanent peace in Ukraine is only possible through dialogue."

The Turkish president also said he and Sanchez discussed the "rising threat of Islamophobia and xenophobia in Europe," voicing increased concerns over the increase in support for far-right parties in Europe's recent EU elections.

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