Türkiye’s flower exports hit $141M in 2024

Netherlands led imports as Türkiye shipped to 80 countries last year

Türkiye’s flower exports hit $141M in 2024

By Hatice Ozdemir Tosun

Türkiye exported $141 million worth of flowers and ornamental plants to 80 countries in 2024, with the Netherlands and the UK being the largest recipients, a sector official said.

The country, home to more than 3,500 plant species, exports a variety of products, including cut flowers, indoor and outdoor plants, flower bulbs, seedlings, saplings, and mosses grown in greenhouses and highlands.

The Netherlands, the UK, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, and Ukraine remain key buyers of Turkish carnations, while tree species and fruit saplings are in demand in outdoor product markets.

Ismail Yilmaz, chairman of the Turkish Ornamental Plants and Products Exporters’ Association, told Anadolu that ornamental plant production spans 6,000 hectares across Türkiye, with 1,200 hectares (2,965 acres) dedicated to cut flower production and another 300 to 400 hectares for outdoor plants.

Carnations are our most important export item, produced on 700 hectares, Yilmaz said, noting that Antalya leads the country in carnation exports.

The sector directly employs more than 60,000 people, with the total workforce climbing to 300,000 when supply chain jobs are included, Yilmaz added.

Flower exports from Türkiye increased by 2% compared to 2023.

"The Netherlands is our most important market, followed by the UK in flower sales” he said.

"We sell outdoor products to Turkic nations and Gulf countries, as our market grows there day by day," he added.

*Writing by Emir Yildirim in Istanbul

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