UK economy grew by 0.1% in November 2024

UK's foreign trade deficit at around $23B as of November

UK economy grew by 0.1% in November 2024

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - The UK's economy expanded by 0.1% in November 2024 on a monthly basis, the country's Office for National Statistics (ONS) said on Thursday.

The office stated that the positive figure stemmed from a growth in services, "following an unrevised fall of 0.1% in October 2024."

Meanwhile, production output fell by 0.4% in November 2024, the ONS said, adding: "Construction output grew by 0.4% in November 2024."

The ONS also revealed foreign trade figures, with imports decreasing by 0.6% in November on a monthly basis to £47.2 billion ($57.6 billion).

The UK's exports rose by 0.8% over the same period to £28.6 billion ($34.9 billion), thus the foreign trade deficit of the country was at £18.6 billion ($22.7 billion).

The country's exports to the EU fell by 1.3% and imports from the 27-member union dropped by 1.2% over the same period.

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