UK population set to hit 72.5M by 2032

1 in 10 of UK population projected to be 75 years old and over by 2032, according to latest projections

UK population set to hit 72.5M by 2032

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - The UK population will increase to 72. 5 million by 2032, nearly five million increase from 2022, official figures revealed on Tuesday.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) projects the population will increase by 4.9 million people (9.9%) between 2022 and 2032.

The ONS numbers showed that the increase is driven almost completely by net migration, which is expected to be total 4.9 million over the decade to 2032.

The level of net migration is projected to average 340,000 per year from mid-2028 onwards.

The number of births and deaths across the period could be almost identical, with some 6.8 million births offset by 6.8 million deaths across the country.

One in 10 of the UK population projected to be 75 years old and over by 2032, the data suggested.

Meanwhile, the number of people who are eligible to get state pension is expected to rise from 12 million to 13.7 million between mid-2022 and mid-2032, meaning an increase of 1.7 million.

Last year, the ONS projected that the UK population could reach nearly 74 million by 2036, increase by 6.6 million people between 2021 and 2036.

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