UPDATE - 10 Palestinians injured in West Bank clashes

Israeli army uses rubber bullets, tear gas to disperse rally protesting against illegal settlements

UPDATE - 10 Palestinians injured in West Bank clashes


By Qais Abu Samra and Mustafa Deveci

RAMALLAH/JERUSALEM, Palestine (AA) - A total of 10 Palestinians were injured Friday in the occupied West Bank when the Israeli army used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protesters, according to eyewitnesses.

Eyewitnesses told Anadolu Agency that Israeli forces fired rubber bullets as well as tear gas canisters to disperse dozens of Palestinian protesters marching in protest against Israeli settlements in Deir Jarir in Ramallah city.

Clashes also broke out between the forces and the protesters after the Israeli army resorted to violence.

Many Palestinians fell ill after inhaling the tear gas, according to medics in the field.

Anti-settlement demonstrations were also held in the rural areas of Ramallah, Nablus, and Qalqilya provinces.

More than 400,000 Jewish settlers currently live in more than 250 illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

International law views both the West Bank and East Jerusalem as "occupied territories" and considers all Jewish settlement-building activities there as illegal.

* Bassel Barakat and Zehra Nur Duz contributed to this report from Ankara

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