UPDATE - Putin congratulates US President Trump on return to White House

Russian president reiterates Moscow open to dialogue with incoming US administration regarding ongoing Ukraine war

UPDATE - Putin congratulates US President Trump on return to White House


By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday congratulated incoming US President Donald Trump on his return to the White House, as he is set to officially take office after an inauguration ceremony later today.

“We see the statement of the newly elected US president and members of his team about the desire to restore direct contacts with Russia, interrupted through no fault of ours by the outgoing administration.

“We also hear his statement about the need to do everything to prevent a third world war. Of course, we welcome such a mood and congratulate the elected president of the United States of America on taking office,” Putin said during a Russian Security Council meeting.

The president argued that the pre-election period was “not easy” for Trump, and that he showed courage despite the “severe pressure” and assassination attempts he was subject to.

Reiterating Moscow is open to dialogue with the new US administration on the Ukraine war, Putin said the most important thing in this regard is to eliminate the root causes of the conflict.

He said dialogue between Russia and the US should be built on "an equal and mutually respectful basis."

Putin said the goal of a settlement regarding the war in Ukraine, which is entering its third year next month, should be based on a long-term peace that is based on "respect for the legitimate interests of all people, all nations who live in this region."

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