Singer Ricky Martin to perform concert in Türkiye

Singer Ricky Martin to perform concert in Türkiye

Puerto Rican to take stage at Regnum Carya hotel in resort city of Antalya

By Necva Tastan

ISTANBUL (AA) - Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin is set to meet music lovers in Antalya, Türkiye on July 31, organizers said.

The Grammy award-winning star will be hosted as part of the Regnum Live in Concerts series, according to the statement from Regnum Carya hotel in Antalya. He will take the stage at the resort's Pearl Event Area.

The hotel has earlier hosted concerts by international stars such as Jennifer Lopez, Dua Lipa, Christina Aguilera, Tom Jones, Rita Ora, Jason Derulo, James Arthur, Tom Odell, Pink Martini, and Anne Marie.

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