Slovakian premier accuses Czech politicians of meddling his country’s internal affairs

Slovakian premier accuses Czech politicians of meddling his country’s internal affairs

Relations between 2 countries are at all-time low due to differences on foreign policy matters

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – Slovakian premier has accused Czech politicians of meddling his country’s internal affairs, according to Czech public broadcaster.

Speaking to press, Robert Fico said that a recent campaign, which presents him as a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is part of a broader smear campaign against Czech right-wing populist ANO party leader Andrej Babi, ahead of the general elections in October, Radio Prague announced on Tuesday.

The attacks spreading through the Czech media like cancer, with the aim of hurting opposition leader Babis who is forecasted to win the general elections, Fico added.

Babis’ rivals are working to create the impression that he will be the same as Robert Fico in Slovakia, he said.

The relations between the two neighboring countries are at all-time low due to significant differences on foreign policy issues, especially regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine.

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