Slovenian premier announces €2.5M aid package for Palestine

Slovenian premier announces €2.5M aid package for Palestine

Robert Golub says resolution adopted by UN Security Council gave hope for two-state solution to conflict

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) - Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob said Tuesday that his country will provide an additional €2.5 million ($2.68 million) in aid to Palestine through various UN programs.

Golob said that a resolution adopted Monday by the UN Security Council gave hope for a two-state solution to the decades-long conflict between Israel and Palestine.

His remarks came on the sidelines of an international conference on humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip in Jordan after the Security Council adopted a US-drafted resolution that was outlined by President Joe Biden for a cease-fire in Gaza. Russia abstained during the vote, while the remaining 14 Council members voted in favor.

Slovenia's National Assembly officially recognized Palestine as an independent state on June 6.

The move came after Spain, Norway and Ireland officially recognized Palestine on May 28.

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