Spain, Türkiye share 'urgent, imperative' need to achieve cease-fire in Gaza: Spanish premier

Spain, Türkiye share 'urgent, imperative' need to achieve cease-fire in Gaza: Spanish premier

Sanchez says both countries want entry of humanitarian aid to besieged strip as well as release of all hostages

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - The Spanish prime minister on Thursday said that his country and Türkiye share the "urgent and imperative" need to achieve a cease-fire in Gaza.

"Regarding Gaza, both countries share the urgent, imperative need to achieve a cease-fire, the entry of humanitarian aid in proportion to the needs of the people of Gaza, and also the release of the hostages," Pedro Sanchez told a joint press conference in Madrid with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Sanchez said that both governments "share a clear, determined commitment to peace in Ukraine and Palestine, and we work together to strengthen the international order based on rules that guarantee respect for international humanitarian law."

He added: "Our vision of Ukraine is also very similar."

To a question by Anadolu on the possible cooperation for recognition of Palestinian as a state by other countries, he said "absolutely," opening the door for such cooperation.

Reiterating Madrid's commitment to encourage other European and Western countries to recognize the Palestinian state, the prime minister said that recognition is "the only solution that can guarantee peace and security in the Middle East, and particularly between Palestine and Israel."

On bilateral relations with Türkiye, Sanchez said the relations are at an "excellent state" and added: Türkiye and Spain are friendly partners, and allied countries that maintain relevant cultural, social, and also economic exchanges."

"We are going to continue working together on everything that unites us, which is a lot and will be, I am convinced, even much more," he said, underlining the cooperation between the countries is reflected in today's signing of 13 agreements that address very diversified topics - the economic sphere, scientific and technological cooperation, cooperation in the space field, employment, mobility, energy transition, education, and forests.

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