Sudan aid group, top Qatari diplomat, ICJ, ICC nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2025

Sudan aid group, top Qatari diplomat, ICJ, ICC nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2025

Sudan's Emergency Response Rooms topping list by Peace Research Institute Oslo director for 2025 Nobel Peace Prize

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Sudan's Emergency Response Rooms (ERR), the Qatari foreign minister, as well as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) have been nominated by an Oslo-based peace group for Nobel Peace Prize 2025.

The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Director Henrik Urdal, announced his list on Tuesday for the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize, with Sudan's Emergency Response Rooms (ERRs) topping the list.

The list continued with Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ODIHR and the Carter Center, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) as well as the ICJ and the ICC.

In a statement, Urdal said that Sudan's ERRs stand as a powerful testament to the strength of local resilience and collective action in the face of brutal war."

"Their work, alongside the contributions of institutions, diplomats and long-standing peace advocates on this year's list, highlight the interconnected efforts required to advance justice and peace," he added.

The PRIO director's view on potential and worthy Nobel Peace Prize laureates has been offered since 2002 with Urdal presented his eighth and final list, as his tenure ends in July 2025, said the group.

The statement praised the Qatari foreign minister over his role in mediating the Hamas-Israeli ceasefire agreed on Jan. 15, saying that awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Thani would emphasize the crucial role regional actors can play in peace efforts.

The work of ODIHR and The Carter Center to ensure that elections are free and fair would make them timely recipients of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, said the PRIO.

For the WILPF's nomination, the statement stressed the group's tireless advocate for peace and disarmament.

It also pointed out the importance of the maintenance of an internationally recognized normative order, and in particular international law for preventing and resolving conflict in an increasingly polarized world.

The ICJ and the ICC promote peace through international law, "similar to the peace congresses highlighted in Alfred Nobel's will," said the statement.

"The ICJ and ICC would be deserving recipients of the 2025 Peace Prize for their role in fostering multilateral collaboration and holding those who breach internationally recognized norms to account," it added.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2025 will be announced on Friday, Oct. 10 by the Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo, Norway, and awarded on Dec. 10, 2025.

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