Sweden will not support terror groups YPG, PYD, or FETO in ‘any way’: Foreign minister

Sweden will not support terror groups YPG, PYD, or FETO in ‘any way’: Foreign minister

Continuation of ceasefire in Gaza is important both for survival of 2M Palestinians held hostage there and regional stability, says Turkish foreign minister

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) – Sweden will not support the terrorist groups YPG, PYD, or the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) in “any way,” the country’s foreign minister told a joint news conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan in Türkiye’s capital Ankara on Tuesday.

“We have expressed that we will not support the organizations referred to as YPG, PYD, and FETO by Türkiye in any way,” said Maria Malmer Stenergard.

On the long-awaited Gaza ceasefire which began Sunday, Fidan underlined the importance of continuing the ceasefire for regional stability.

“The continuation of the ceasefire (in Gaza is important). It is crucial both for the survival of the 2 million Palestinians held hostage there and for the continuation of regional stability,” he said.

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