Swiss parliament votes to block indirect arms exports to Ukraine
Majority of MPs votes against proposal that would have allowed other states to supply Swiss-made war material to Ukraine
By Timo Kirez
GENEVA (AA) - The Swiss parliament has rejected an exemption for the transfer of arms to Ukraine.
The majority of MPs voted late Thursday night against a proposal drafted by the security policy committee of the Swiss parliament's large chamber.
The so-called "Lex Ukraine" would have allowed other states to supply Swiss-made war material to Ukraine.
The laws of neutral Switzerland prohibit support for countries involved in acts of war. So far, this justification has also been used to prohibit the transfer of tank ammunition to Ukraine that was sold by Switzerland to Germany years ago.
Germany repeatedly pressed for permission to supply the Swiss-made ammunition to Ukraine. There are Swiss tanks in Denmark that the country would like to hand over to Ukraine. And Spain wants to send Swiss anti-aircraft guns there for support.
Those in favor of an exception argued that Switzerland should provide more support to Ukraine and contribute to European security.
Opponents, including the Greens and conservatives from the SVP, feared a violation of neutrality and too close a rapprochement with NATO.
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