Syrian National Army captures Tel Rifaat town center

Syrian National Army captures Tel Rifaat town center

SNA continues advance on outskirts amid heavy clashes with PKK/YPG terrorists

By Omer Koparan, Mehmet Burak Karacaoglu, Esref Musa, Ahmet Karaahmet and Ethem Emre Ozcan

TEL RIFAAT (AA) - The Syrian National Army Sunday captured the entire Tel Rifaat’s center in Operation Dawn of Freedom launched against the terrorist organization PKK/YPG, while continuing to advance in the outskirts.

SNA forces, which continued fighting terrorists positioned in Tel Rifaat on the northwestern, northeastern, eastern and southern front lines of the district, entered from Deir Jamal in the west of Tel Rifaat and cleared the district center of terrorists.

The SNA troops, who also liberated the village of Hirbil east of Tel Rifaat, continued to advance in the outskirts of the district.

Located 18 kilometers (11 miles) from the Turkish border, Tel Rifaat had been under the occupation of PKK/YPG terrorists for 8 years.

- Operation Dawn of Freedom

The SNA launched Operation Dawn of Freedom in response to the PKK/YPG's plans to establish a terrorist corridor between Tel Rifaat and northeastern Syria.

Following the start of operations by anti-regime armed groups against Aleppo, Syrian regime forces lost control of large areas in a short period.

In response, they sought support from the PKK/YPG, allowing the terrorist group to gain territory.

The Syrian regime began handing over control of areas to the east of the Euphrates to PKK/YPG forces.

As a result, numerous PKK/YPG terrorists from the region moved to the Aleppo area, and heavy weapons belonging to the group were deployed there.

In response to PKK/YPG's plan to establish a terrorist corridor between Tel Rifaat and northeastern Syria, the SNA swiftly entered the field and launched Operation Dawn of Freedom.

*Writing by Efe Ozkan

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