Syria’s new administration leader meets with Arab League delegation

Syria’s new administration leader meets with Arab League delegation

Meeting is part of series of visits from Arab, regional, international delegations to Syria

By Laith Al-jnaidi

AMMAN, Jordan (AA) - Ahmed al-Sharaa, the leader of the new Syrian administration, met with a delegation from the Arab League on Saturday led by Assistant Secretary-General Hossam Zaki, according to the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

The meeting, which took place in Damascus, was attended by Syrian Foreign Minister Asaad al-Shaibani, according to the Ministry's official account on X.

The ministry did not provide details of the discussions but the meeting is part of a series of visits from Arab, regional, international, and UN delegations to understand the Syrian administration's vision for the country's new phase.

Bashar Assad, Syria’s leader for nearly 25 years, fled to Russia after anti-regime groups took control of Damascus on Dec. 8, ending the Baath Party’s rule, which had lasted since 1963.

* Writing by Ikram Kouachi

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