Taiwan’s leader Lai embarks on 1st overseas trip

Taiwan’s leader Lai embarks on 1st overseas trip

Lai Ching-te to visit Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, and Palau

By Anadolu staff

Taiwanese leader Lai Ching-te on Saturday departed for his first foreign visits since taking office in May.

He will be visiting Taiwan’s three Pacific allies -- the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, and Palau.

"Today, I begin my journey to Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, & Palau. I look forward to strengthening ties with our allies in the Pacific region, celebrating our unity & shared values as we work together for a prosperous future," Lai said on X.

His office has confirmed that he will stop over in Hawaii and the US territory of Guam during his seven-day trip.

The Taiwanese leader is expected to spend two nights in Hawaii before traveling to the Marshall Islands.

Before his trip to Palau from Tuvalu, Lai will transit through Guam.

However, China on Friday reiterated its warning to Washington and emphasized Beijing’s stance against Lai transiting through the US "under any name or pretext."

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning condemned Washington for "condoning or supporting 'Taiwan independence' separatists and their activities in any form.”

During his visit, Lai will also address the parliaments of the Marshall Islands and Palau.

China considers Taiwan as its “breakaway province” while Taipei has insisted on its independence since 1949. Over the years, the number of Taiwan's diplomatic allies has dwindled to 12.

* Writing by Islamuddin Sajid.

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