TEKNOFEST to be held in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in May

TEKNOFEST to be held in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in May

4-day event to feature competitions, air shows, and innovative tech showcases

By Mucahithan Avcioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye's premier technology event TEKNOFEST will be held on May 1-4 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the organizers said on Monday, promising an exciting four-day celebration of innovation and technology at the Ercan Airport.

The festival will have technology competitions across seven main categories and 14 subcategories, showcasing advancements in fields such as social innovation, autonomous flight systems and cybersecurity, according to a press release.​​

The event is held in various Turkish cities in even years and in the metropolis of Istanbul in odd years.

Last year, it was held in Adana and welcomed around 1.1 million visitors.

First 10 editions of the event hosted over 10 million people in total, and saw over 4 million competition applicants.

In 2023, it was held three times in honor of Türkiye's centennial, in Istanbul, the capital Ankara and the Aegean city Izmir.

This year, it will be held twice, first in TRNC, and then in Istanbul.

Participants will be awarded a total of 5.5 million Turkish liras (almost $155,000) in prizes and financial support.

Since 2018, Anadolu has been TEKNOFEST's global communications partner, highlighting the festival's importance in fostering innovation and technical growth in Türkiye.

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