Thousands of ancient coins seized in France to be handed over to Türkiye

Thousands of ancient coins seized in France to be handed over to Türkiye

In 2022 raid, French authorities seized 8,597 coins from 6th century Anatolia

By Esra Taskin

PARIS (AA) - More than 8,500 ancient coins, seized by French authorities following a three-year investigation, will be handed over to Türkiye, according to local media reports.

It came after the French National Directorate of the Intelligence and Customs Investigations dismantled an artifact smuggling network following the investigation, according to a report on 20 minutes website on Monday.

During a 2022 raid at an address in France, the authorities seized a total of 8,597 coins from 6th century Anatolia.

The coins were found hidden in boxes in different parts of the house.

It is believed that the suspects sold more than 7,000 historical artifacts out of 15,000 items in total, worth estimated €1.5 million ($1.6 million).

Organizers of the smuggling networks have been arrested in Türkiye, while the suspects, caught at the address during the raid in France will appear in a trial.

The ancient artifacts confiscated by the French authorities in that house will be returned to Türkiye through diplomatic channels, according to the report.

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