Trump believes Saudi Arabia to normalize ties with Israel

Trump believes Saudi Arabia to normalize ties with Israel

'I think Saudi Arabia will end up being in the Abraham accords,' newly sworn-in US president tells reporters at Oval Office

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President Donald Trump on Monday said he believes Israeli-Saudi normalization can be reached.

"I think Saudi Arabia will end up being in the Abraham accords. ... Soon. Not a very long way, " Trump told reporters at the Oval Office while signing several executive orders on his inauguration day.

Abraham Accords are US-brokered agreements signed during Trump's first term in 2020 that normalized Israel's relations with several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates.

Trump was sworn in for a second term on Monday, heralding a major shift in the US government that is widely expected to send shockwaves through American society and the world.

Saudi Arabia is said to have postponed US-backed plans for the kingdom to normalize ties with Israel, after the eruption of the Gaza war in October 2023. It says it would not recognize Israel without a Palestinian state.

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