Trump names Steven Cheung as White House communications director

Trump names Steven Cheung as White House communications director

Cheung, 42, has been a top press aide for Trump’s campaign over past 2 years

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President-elect Donald Trump said on Friday that he picked Steven Cheung to be his White House communications director.

Cheung, 42, has been a top press aide for Trump’s campaign over the past two years.

Trump also said Sergio Gor will serve as assistant to the president and director of the Presidential Personnel Office.

"Steven Cheung and Sergio Gor have been trusted advisors since my first presidential campaign in 2016, and have continued to champion America First principles," Trump said in a statement.

Trump has been gradually unveiling his Cabinet and key appointments following last week’s presidential election victory.

Kaynak:Source of News

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