Trump revokes security protection for former Secretary of State Pompeo: Report

Trump revokes security protection for former Secretary of State Pompeo: Report

President's move comes despite warning from Biden administration that Mike Pompeo, former top aide Brian Hook face threats from Iran, New York Times says

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President Donald Trump revoked security protection for former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his former top aide Brian Hook, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, the Times said the move came despite warnings from the Biden administration that Pompeo and Hook face threats from Iran.

Trump also withdrew protection for his former National Security Adviser John Bolton.

"I am disappointed but not surprised that President Trump has decided to terminate the protection previously provided by the United States Secret Service. Notwithstanding my criticisms of President Biden's national-security policies, he nonetheless made the decision to extend that protection to me in 2021.

"The Justice Department filed criminal charges against an Iranian Revolutionary Guard official in 2022 for attempting to hire a hit man to target me," Bolton said Tuesday, adding that the threat remains today.

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