Trump sparks controversy by sharing map depicting Canada as part of US

Trump sparks controversy by sharing map depicting Canada as part of US

Post follows US president-elect’s repeated remarks about making Canada the ‘51st state’

By Rabia Iclal Turan

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President-elect Donald Trump shared a map Tuesday on his Truth Social platform depicting Canada as part of the US.

The post follows his repeated remarks about making Canada the "51st state" since his election victory in November.

"Many people in Canada LOVE being the 51st State. The United States can no longer suffer the massive Trade Deficits and Subsidies that Canada needs to stay afloat. Justin Trudeau knew this, and resigned," Trump wrote following the Canadian prime minister’s resignation.

Trudeau’s announcement Monday that he was stepping down came amid growing dissatisfaction within his Liberal Party and a decline in public approval ratings.

Trump went further in his statement, proposing a merger between the US and Canada. He argued that such a move would eliminate trade barriers, reduce taxes for Canadians and bolster their security.

"If Canada merged with the U.S., there would be no Tariffs, taxes would go way down, and they would be TOTALLY SECURE from the threat of the Russian and Chinese Ships that are constantly surrounding them," he said, adding: "What a great Nation it would be!!!"

Trudeau rejected Trump’s controversial proposal, firmly stating that "there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Canada would become part of the United States.”

“Workers and communities in both our countries benefit from being each other’s biggest trading and security partner," he added on X.

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly also criticized Trump’s remarks, describing them as reflecting a "complete lack of understanding" of Canada.

"Our economy is strong. Our people are strong. We will never back down in the face of threats," she said on X.

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