Trump threatens to withhold Los Angeles fire assistance without California voter ID, water overhaul

Trump threatens to withhold Los Angeles fire assistance without California voter ID, water overhaul

President says if state implements his demands, 'I will be the greatest president that California has ever seen'

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) - President Donald Trump threatened to withhold federal emergency assistance for Los Angeles on Friday if California does not enact a pair of demands he has long sought for America's most populous state.

Asked by reporters if he would withhold federal disaster assistance for fires that have devasted wide swathes of some Los Angeles communities, Trump said he wanted to see state officials first implement new voter identification laws, and change how water is distributed.

"I want to see two things in Los Angeles: Voter ID, so that the people have a chance to vote, and I want to see the water be released and come down into Los Angeles and throughout the state. Those are the two things," Trump told reporters in the state of North Carolina before departing for Los Angeles.

Trump said if the state were to implement the overhauls, "I will be the greatest president that California has ever seen."

Trump is slated to visit America's second-largest city later Friday where he will meet Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. The men have long had a fractious relationship and it is unclear how the sit-down will proceed.

Newsom's office was quick to shoot down the proposals, saying Trump's push to condition aid for American citizens grappling with one of the worst fires on record is "wrong."

"FACT: Under current CA law you must be a CA resident and US citizen (and attest to being one under penalty of perjury) AND provide a form of ID such as driver’s license or passport that has been approved by the Secretary of State in order to register to vote," it wrote on X. "FACT: 15 states do not generally require voter ID at polls, including Nevada and Pennsylvania (two states won by President Trump). FACT: California pumps as much water now as it could under prior Trump-era policies."

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