Trump's 'border czar' dismisses criticism over deporting undocumented migrants, hints at continuing drive

Trump's 'border czar' dismisses criticism over deporting undocumented migrants, hints at continuing drive

US President Donald Trump's administration has 'no apologies' for raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement targeting illegal migrants, says Tom Homan

By Zehra Nur Celik

ANKARA (AA) – Top Trump administration's "border czar" dismissed criticism over last week's deportation of undocumented irregular migrants by a US military plane, for the first time in American history, saying late Monday that deportation efforts will not be slowed.

When questioned about Selena Gomez's now-deleted Instagram post in which she became emotional over law enforcement actions, Tom Homan, the official overseeing the nation's border security, said the Trump administration has "no apologies" for the raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) targeting illegal migrants in the US, the New York Post reported.

“All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry; I wish I could do something, but I can’t. I don’t know what to do. I’ll try everything, I promise,” Gomez said in the video.

Gomez has been facing criticism for appearing out of touch and swiftly deleting the video, later posting on her Instagram story, "Apparently it's not ok to show empathy for people."

When questioned about the viral video, Homan refuted Gomez’s claims and asserted that ICE targets only undocumented migrants with prior criminal records.

“If they don’t like it, then go to Congress and change the law. We’re going to do this operation without apology,” Homan told Fox News.

“We’re gonna make our community safer. It is all for the good of this nation. And we’re gonna keep going. No apologies. We’re moving forward.”

Underlining that no families have been arrested, Homan pledged that arrests will occur daily, potentially leading to the deportation of millions.

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