Trump's return to the White House protested in Brussels

Trump's return to the White House protested in Brussels

US president sworn in for 2nd term, heralding major shift in government that is widely expected to send shockwaves through American society, world at large

By Melike Pala

BRUSSELS (AA) - Protesters gathered in Belgium’s capital Monday to voice their displeasure as Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States.

Gathering outside the US Embassy in Brussels, hundreds of people from various groups including trade unions and environmental and anti-racist movements termed his agenda as a "far-right program serving American billionaires."

They warned of serious consequences for both American workers and the global population with Trump taking office.

They also criticized the interference of Trump and his close ally and owner of X Elon Musk in European politics.

Some of the protesters were seen carrying Palestinian flags during the demonstration, which was held under an intense police presence.

Trump was sworn in for a second term, heralding a major shift in the US government that is widely expected to send shockwaves through American society and the world at large.

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