Turkey decries French president’s ‘unacceptable’ remarks

Turkey decries French president’s ‘unacceptable’ remarks

Foreign Ministry says ‘unjust, inconsistent' statements made about Turkey, Turkish president during TV program

By Sena Guler

ANKARA (AA) - Ankara on Wednesday denounced recent remarks by the French president about Turkey and its leader, calling them “unacceptable”.

"We find the statements by French President [Emmanuel] Macron, which he gave in response to the deliberate questions asked in the program and are against the friendship and alliance between our countries, unacceptable,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said in a written statement.

Aksoy also said “unjust and inconsistent” statements were made regarding Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkey.

During an interview aired on France5 TV channel on Tuesday, Macron claimed that Turkey was “attempting to interfere” in France’s next presidential election in 2022.

“We think that those statements by Mr. Macron are unfortunate and inconsistent at a time we take steps to replace the tension in the relations between the two countries with calm and friendship,” Aksoy said.

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