Turkey: Opposition criticizes government's leadership

Turkey: Opposition criticizes government's leadership

State should be ruled with wisdom, intelligence, virtue, and justice, says main opposition leader, faulting government

By Emin Avundukluoglu

ANKARA (AA) - Turkey's main opposition party leader on Tuesday criticized the government’s style of leadership.

Saying the state should be “ruled with wisdom, intelligence, virtue and justice,” Kemal Kilicdaroglu told his Republican People's Party's (CHP) parliamentary group: “They do the opposite."

Kilicdaroglu also accused the government of trying to improperly make political fodder over a controversial letter signed by 104 retired admirals.

The government tried to find a hint of a coup in the letter, he said.

"They said the CHP was behind the letter ... There is not a single word (in it) related to the CHP," Kilicdaroglu said.

"The state is in your hands; the intelligence, the police, the gendarmerie are in your hands and you got up and blamed me without shame or boredom. Does the state lie? Does a person sitting in the presidential chair lie?" he asked.

On April 4, the ex-admirals posted a statement online urging against making the 1936 Montreux Convention the subject of debate.

The statement also warned that Turkey could face "dangerous … events, risks, and threats to its survival, something which we know from our history."

Prosecutors in the capital Ankara have started an investigation into the men behind the statement and called them in to give testimony.

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