Turkish aid ship with 1,000 tons of humanitarian aid arrives in Beirut

Turkish aid ship with 1,000 tons of humanitarian aid arrives in Beirut

Supplies include food items, medical equipment, essential goods for Lebanese people under Israeli attacks

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) – A Turkish ship carrying 1,000 tons of humanitarian aid arrived at Beirut’s port on Friday, providing vital support to Lebanon amid ongoing Israeli attacks.

The aid, organized by Türkiye in collaboration with Lebanese officials, includes food supplies, medical equipment, and essential goods aimed at assisting vulnerable citizens.

Israel launched a massive air campaign last month in Lebanon against what it claims are Hezbollah targets in an escalation in a year of cross-border warfare between Israel and the group since the start of Israel’s brutal offensive on Gaza.

Nearly 2,900 people have been killed and more than 13,000 injured in Israeli attacks since last October, according to Lebanese health authorities.

Israel expanded the conflict by launching an incursion into southern Lebanon on Oct. 1.

* Writing by Ikram Kouachi

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