Turkish company Karmod builds shelters for stray dogs

Turkish company Karmod builds shelters for stray dogs

Prefabricated modular shelters erected in Istanbul, Bursa

By Emir Yildirim

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkish builder Karmod said on Friday that it has built two prefabricated animal shelters for stray dogs.

The two modular animal shelters were built in Istanbul and in the northwestern city of Bursa, the company said in a statement.

Abdullah Yuceer, Karmod’s manager, stated that the shelters were designed in accordance with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s regulation on temporary animal housing.

Yuceer said that the prefabricated modular shelters are built economically in a short time.

He added that they continue their efforts to create a healthier shelter environment for stray animals in collaboration with the local municipalities across Türkiye.

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