Turkish defense firm Aselsan inks $79.2M international sales deal

Turkish defense firm Aselsan inks $79.2M international sales deal

Deal includes exports of radar, sonar systems, guidance kits for clients in Asia, Mideast

By Emir Yildirim

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkish defense giant Aselsan on Friday announced it has inked an international sales deal worth $79.2 million with clients in Asia and the Middle East.

The deal includes exports of defense systems, such as radar and sonar systems for anti-submarine warfare, as well as guidance kits, the firm said in a statement posted on Türkiye’s Public Disclosure Platform (KAP).

The names of the clients were not given.

Aselsan, headquartered in the Turkish capital Ankara, was founded in 1975, and has grown to be the country’s largest defense firm, while ranking among the top 100 in its field worldwide.

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