Turkish director to bring former Interpol chief's story to big screen

Turkish director to bring former Interpol chief's story to big screen

Movie directed by Meryem Beyza Er focuses on story of Lutfi Cicek, who served as head of Interpol Department

By Fatih Turkyilmaz

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkish director of the films Ruzgargulu (Wind Rose) and Zevcat (The Wife), Meryem Beyza Er, will bring to the silver screen the life story of Lutfi Cicek, who also served as the head of the Interpol Department.

The shooting of the film Commissioner Yigit: The Curse of Karun will take place in Türkiye, Qatar, Italy, and India in partnership between Türkiye and Qatar.

Produced by Kum Film and written by Mert Selek, the film will be shot in real locations in Qatar.

Speaking to Anadolu, Director Meryem Beyza Er said: "I went to Qatar to shoot a documentary for the World Cup. I met Lutfi Cicek there. He was a family friend, so I knew him indirectly."

"When we met, he gifted me his book where he narrated his life story. After finishing the book, I visited him again and offered to make a film about him," Er said.

"It was challenging to convince him due to his ongoing career and responsibilities. What impressed me the most about Mr. Lutfi's story was his character. I was drawn to his positivity and his approach to his profession. I was genuinely impressed by his passion for his job," she noted.

Er underlined that Lutfi Cicek had served as a close protection officer for former Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan and current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as holding positions such as Diyarbakir chief of police.

"About 65% of the film will be shot in Qatar. Our focus will be on the strength of the Turkish police. We might present a profile that could assist young people in choosing their careers," she explained.

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Er expressed her desire to schedule the filming between Oct. 2024 and March 2025, saying: "The year 2025 marks the 25th anniversary of cultural relations between Türkiye and Qatar."

"With this film, produced in partnership between Türkiye and Qatar, we aim to solidify this friendship. So far, there hasn't been a feature film shot and released in Qatar. In that sense, we aspire to be the first," she said.

Er said that they have begun the process of selecting the cast for the film, saying: "Our biggest target at the moment is (American fashion model) Bella Hadid. I really want to work with her."

"The role of Commissioner Yigit is also crucial for us. We are currently considering popular Turkish actors in the Gulf countries. We will contact them soon," she added.

*Writing by Zehra Nur Duz

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