Turkish flutist performs at annual concert in Nigeria

Turkish flutist performs at annual concert in Nigeria

Lelya Bayramogullari takes the stage at 16th edition of Festival of Praise in capital Abuja

By Tuba Ongun

ABUJA, Nigeria (AA) - Turkish flutist Lelya Bayramogullari took the stage for a solo performance at the 16th Festival of Praise in Nigeria’s capital Abuja on Sunday.

Speaking to Anadolu, Bayramogullari said she has been invited to perform at the event for the sixth time.

She stressed that Nigeria has a special place in her career, adding: "My performance here made a splash across the classical music community. I took good steps one after another in my career, and Nigeria brought good luck for me."

The Festival of Praise is a yearly concert of Christian music gathering people at the end of the year to give glory and praise to God.

Harrison Stephen, director of the Festival of Praise Choir and Orchestra, told Anadolu that Nigerian music lovers were delighted to experience a concerto solo and are familiar with stringed instruments

"She (Bayramogullari) always mesmerizes the audience with her flute. Everybody's really blown away by her flute performance," Stephen said.

On the purpose of the event, he said: "Not just in tandem with the yuletide season of Christmas, (the event is) an expression of gratitude for having brought us all through the year safe and sound."

For the coming period, the event is planning to add religious compositions from other countries than Nigeria, Stephen said.

"We want to make it more international because every nationality praises God in their language and in their culture," he added.

Besides participating at the festival, Bayramogullari also gave a concert on Saturday at the residence of the Turkish Embassy in Abuja to mark the centenary of the Republic of Türkiye.

"The concert included only Turkish composers' pieces starting from the Ottoman period to the present," she said.

On Friday, Bayramogullari gave a concert for orphans organized by the Turkish cultural center the Yunus Emre Institute.

"I hope the new year will bring good luck to orphan children and I want them not to feel lonely this year," she said.

After enjoying the music, the children had a chance to learn about both instruments and music from the Turkish flutist.

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