Turkish foreign minister meets North Macedonian European affairs minister

Turkish foreign minister meets North Macedonian European affairs minister

Meeting held in Türkiye’s capital Ankara

By Gizem Nisa Cebi

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Wednesday met with Orhan Murtezani, North Macedonia's European affairs minister.

The meeting was held in Türkiye’s capital Ankara, according to a brief Turkish Foreign Ministry statement.

No further details were provided about the meeting.

The two countries enjoy close relations and strong cooperation rooted in a common history and culture. Mutual high-level visits are held regularly and frequently.

Türkiye was the very first state to recognize North Macedonia when it officially adopted that name, in 2019, and the first state to appoint an ambassador to Skopje.

Türkiye resolutely supports North Macedonia’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and borders, as well as its unitary state structure and multiethnic, multicultural character.

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