Turkish-Greek collaboration of Romeo and Juliet premiers in Athens

Turkish-Greek collaboration of Romeo and Juliet premiers in Athens

Culture ministers of Türkiye, Greece among audience

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – A co-production of William Shakespeare's classic masterpiece Romeo and Juliet involving Greek and Turkish artists premiered in Athens on Thursday.

Through a joint production of the General Directorate of Turkish State Theaters (DT) and the Municipal Theatre Of Piraeus of Greece, the love story was performed at the Megaron Mousikis Concert Hall.

Among the distinguished members of the audience was Turkish Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy and Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni as well artists and diplomats.

The two ministers also held a brief informal meeting.

The play, whose rehearsals started in Athens in February, premiered in Türkiye in April.

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