Turkish manufacturers sell around 2M products abroad on Trendyol in May

Turkish manufacturers sell around 2M products abroad on Trendyol in May

Turkish-made products sold on e-commerce giant received most interest from Azerbaijan, Gulf countries, Central and Eastern Europe, Germany, Austria

By Doga Kirmizioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkish manufacturers sold nearly 2 million products in May to cross-border markets on Trendyol, the e-commerce giant revealed on Thursday.

Textile and home goods stood out as the most bought products on the platform.

Turkish-made products sold on Trendyol received the most interest from Azerbaijan, Gulf countries, Central and Eastern Europe, Germany, and Austria.

The most in-demand non-textile products were pans, storage containers, and mattresses, according to Trendyol data.

Products bearing the "Made in Türkiye" label were sold the most in Baku, Riyadh, Jeddah, Dubai, and Bucharest cities.

Trendyol continued to support its sellers on the platform by providing end-to-end e-commerce services for exports, with 1 million products sold to Azerbaijan during the "Mega May" campaign for the country.

The e-commerce giant introduces Turkish-made products and domestic manufacturers to global markets, having assisted over 90,000 local sellers in transitioning to e-exporters last year through its solutions, with an export volume of $650 million in 2023.

Trendyol received an award from the Türkiye Exporters Assembly (TIM) for its contributions to e-exports.

*Writing by Emir Yildirim

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