Turkish president shares Passover greetings

Turkish president shares Passover greetings

Unity, solidarity displayed by all segments of society to always be 'greatest strength' to preserve peace, says Erdogan

By Jeyhun Aliyev

ANKARA (AA) - Turkey's president shared Passover greetings on Saturday with the country’s Jewish community.

"I congratulate with my heartfelt feelings our Jewish citizens on the occasion of Pesach, one of the most important religious holidays of Judaism," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a message shared by Turkey’s Communications Directorate.

"Upholding the legacy which has been placed on our shoulders by our ancient civilization and which instructs us 'to show respect and tolerance towards religious beliefs', we attach great importance to members of all faiths, whom we have for centuries lived together on these lands in peace and serenity, to exercise their religions and traditions," Erdogan said.

He underlined that the unity and solidarity displayed by all the segments of the country's society will always be the "greatest strength" to preserve peace and serenity, "as has been the case so far."

"I congratulate all Jews, especially our Jewish citizens, on Passover, and extend my best wishes for their well-being," he said.

The Passover, or Pesach, holiday commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt under Moses and is considered one of the most holiest times on the Jewish calendar.

This year, Passover began on the evening of March 27 and will end on the evening of April 4.

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