Turkish scientist awarded Germany's prestigious international research award

Turkish scientist awarded Germany's prestigious international research award

Fatih Omer Ilday receives Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for contributions to laser technology

By Cüneyt Karadag

BERLIN (AA) - Turkish scientist Fatih Omer Ilday was honored with the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in Germany for his contributions to laser technology on Monday.

The award ceremony, organized by the Humboldt Foundation, took place in the capital Berlin.

As many as 12 researchers were recognized with the research award. Among the distinguished recipients was Ilday, who received the prize from Education and Research Minister Bettina Stark Watzinger.

According to information provided on the foundation's website, Ilday “has played a seminal role in developing ultrafast laser technology, transforming the field of non-linear laser-matter interactions in the last few years.”

Ilday has been invited to join Ruhr University Bochum to explore new research fields in materials science and establish a world-class research center.

The Humboldt Professorship is financed by Germany’s Federal Education and Research Ministry. According to its website, the award “enables the holder to conduct forward-thinking, long-term research at universities and research institutions in this country and makes a sustainable contribution to Germany’s ability to compete internationally as a location for research.”

Since 2008, up to 10 Humboldt Professorships have been granted every year as part of the International Research Fund for Germany.

*Writing by Seda Sevencan in Ankara

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