Turkish, Spanish export credit banks ink cooperation deal

Turkish, Spanish export credit banks ink cooperation deal

Turk Eximbank, CESCE to provide joint financing, insurance, guarantee and reinsurance for projects in other countries

By Tuba Ongun

ANKRA (AA) – The export credit banks of Türkiye and Spain have signed a deal on general cooperation, according to a statement by Turk Eximbank on Friday.

A memorandum of understanding was signed between Turk Eximbank and the CESCE (Compania Espanola de Seguros de Credito a la Exportacion) during the eighth intergovernmental summit between Türkiye and Spain held on Thursday.

The two export banks will provide joint financing, insurance, guarantee and reinsurance for the transactions to be undertaken by companies from Türkiye and Spain in other countries.

Turk Eximbank and CESCE will also share knowledge and experience mutually, thanks to the cooperation deal.

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