Turkish trade minister due in Iraq to boost economic ties

Turkish trade minister due in Iraq to boost economic ties

Visit seeks to sustain balanced trade relations, expand presence of Turkish contractors in Iraq's development initiatives

By Mehtap Yilmaz

Turkish Trade Minister Omer Bolat on Monday will embark on a two-day visit to Iraq, seeking to boost economic cooperation.

Bolat’s visit, accompanied by delegations from the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) and Turkish Contractors Association (TMB), will include stops in the capital Baghdad and the southern city of Basra, said Trade Ministry sources.

Accompanied by business representatives, Bolat will work to deepen trade and investment ties with Iraq, one of Türkiye’s key trading partners.

The visit aims to promote Turkish contractors’ involvement in Iraqi infrastructure projects, particularly the Development Road Project, a trade route project linking the two countries with railways, roads, ports, and cities.

- Meetings with top officials

In Baghdad, Bolat will be received by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani and hold bilateral talks with Trade Minister Atheer Dawood Salman Al Ghrairi and Transport Minister Razzaq Muhaybis al-Saadawi.

In Basra, Bolat is set to meet Governor Asaad Al-Eidani and attend trade delegation programs.

Türkiye's exports to Iraq this January to October reached $10.8 billion, up 5.3% from last year. Imports from Iraq dropped 41% to $3.7 billion during the same period, resulting in a trade volume of $14.5 billion.

So far, Turkish contractors have undertaken 1,111 projects in Iraq, valued at $34.9 billion, making Iraq the third-largest market for Turkish firms globally.

The visit aims to sustain balanced trade relations and expand the presence of Turkish contractors in Iraq's development initiatives.

Kaynak:Source of News

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