Türkiye establishes new body to tackle cyber threats

Türkiye establishes new body to tackle cyber threats

New agency to determine policies, strategies, and targets to ensure cybersecurity, prepare action plans, carry out projects, boost cooperation

By Mucahithan Avcioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) – To tackle growing cyber-based threats, Türkiye has established a dedicated new agency.

The Cybersecurity Presidency, established by a presidential decree published on Wednesday, will implement decisions of the new Cybersecurity Board, which will be chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and will include ministries such as Interior, Justice, National Defense, Transport and Infrastructure, and Industry and Technology.

It will determine policies, strategies, and targets to ensure cybersecurity, prepare action plans, carry out projects to support cybersecurity and information security, and work to boost cooperation between the public, private sector, and universities in this field.

A roadmap for the improvement of cybersecurity and protection of the country’s information infrastructures was announced last year by the government.

Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz said on X: "I hope the Cybersecurity Presidency, which was established to prevent cyber threats to our country and to ensure the necessary coordination between institutions in this field, will be beneficial to our nation."

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