Türkiye imposes additional tariff for Chinese-made cars

Türkiye imposes additional tariff for Chinese-made cars

Extra tariff on internal combustion engine and hybrid cars to be 40% of import value or at least $7,000 per unit

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) — Türkiye on Saturday announced plans to introduce additional customs duties on Chinese-made internal combustion engines and hybrid cars.

In an effort to protect domestic industry, the tariff of at least $7,000 will be 40% of each vehicle's import value, the Turkish Trade Ministry said in a statement, referring to the country's foreign trade and current account targets.

It said the additional tariff would be implemented together with customs duties on certain goods imported from non-EU members with which Türkiye has no free trade agreement.

The ministry stated that the decision to introduce these additional customs duties was made considering economic and commercial developments as well as sectoral needs.

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