Türkiye, Slovakia strengthening economic cooperation: Economy minister

Türkiye, Slovakia strengthening economic cooperation: Economy minister

Slovakia aims to establish energy cooperation with Türkiye, says Denisa Sakova

By Tugba Altun

ANKARA (AA) – Türkiye and Slovakia are advancing their economic cooperation and exploring project opportunities that will benefit both countries, according to Slovakia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Denisa Sakova.

Speaking at a Türkiye-Slovakia Roundtable Business People Meeting, which included Turkish Trade Minister Omer Bolat, Sakova on Monday emphasized that the meeting had a distinct purpose: fostering and deepening ties between companies in Türkiye and Slovakia.

Sakova highlighted that Türkiye is among Slovakia’s top 10 business partners, noting that several Slovakian firms have already begun operations in Türkiye. She expressed satisfaction with the countries’ Joint Economic and Trade Committee, a platform that strengthens bilateral collaboration.

“We are here today to deepen cooperation and create a framework for developing more intensive economic relations,” she said, adding that representatives from various Slovakian industries took part in the meeting to discuss direct links between the two countries.

She underlined Slovakia’s intention to collaborate with Türkiye in the energy sector, noting that Türkiye plans to invest €170 billion ($176.6 billion) by 2040 to meet its Net Zero Initiative targets.

With Slovakia’s expertise in hydroelectric and nuclear energy, Sakova said her country is well-positioned to support Türkiye’s energy goals.

Sakova added that the economies of both countries rely heavily on foreign trade and stable energy supplies, warning that energy challenges could pose significant problems not only for Slovakia but for all of Europe in the near future.

“There is an opportunity to develop joint projects that will benefit both Türkiye and Slovakia,” she said, emphasizing the mutual advantages of closer cooperation.

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